Recover Internet Explorer Password - Version Internet explorer password recovery tool instantlyrecovers lost or missing passwords and secret codes ofyour multiple accounts (Gmail, Yahoo, Hotmail or anycommercial site). IE secret code unmask applicationretrieves all auto complete information of user accounton shopping portals, billing sites, news sites andother business sites. IE password finder regains FTPpasswords, windows application passwords with severinformation from Internet explorer. Internet explorerpassword breaker utility restores all multiple accountshidden and unreadable passwords from all IE versionslike 7.0, 6.0, 5.0 and more. IE email password salvageapplication is an efficient and simple passwordrecovery tool which regains all multilingual passwords,usernames, identity password and auto complete fieldsin very easy steps. IE secret code recovery softwaredecodes and displays all encrypted passwords andspecial character codes by dragging lens on passwordfield. IE password restoration program supports variouswindows OS with interactive Graphical User Interface(GUI) and stores all recovered information in a textfile for future reference.Features:* IE password recovery software retrieves all hiddenpasswords and auto complete forms, fields and secretcodes of password protected windows applications.* Windows application password restoration utilityrecovers all IE saved passwords (hidden behind asteriskcharacters) for multiple accounts.* Internet explorer secret code unmask applicationsupport all versions of IE web browser like IE5, IE6,IE7etc.* IE password viewer supports various windows operatingsystems (98, XP, ME, 2000, Vista) with completeinstall/uninstall support for all users.