Lambda GeoIP - Geo-targeting script - Version 1.3 Lambda GeoIP is a PHP Geo-targeting and geo-locationscript that you can use with any existing website orscript. You can forward a user based on their physicallocation, display the user's location, or display theclosest major city of a given population. Based on theuser's IP address you can determine the following:Continent Country Region (State in the US) City PostalCode Area Code Latitude Longitude ISP You can easilyforward a user with just one line of code. For example,the following code will forward all users in the UK toanother URL. geoip_forward_country("UK","");. You can display the user'sgeolocation data with one line also. The following codeoutputs the user's city, region, and country: echogeoip_format("%city, %region, %country");. Displayingthe closest major city is a breeze as well. Thefollowing code displays the nearest major city with apopulation of 2 million people or more: echogeoip_closest_city("%city, %region", 2000000);. For afull list of features and short examples,