Wall Photography Template - Version 1 Wall photography template is the ultimate solution for creating, editing and launching your website, no Flash knowledge required for setting up this Flash template and you don't need to have a copy of the software (ADOBE FLASH) , completely XML driven. You can set everything from a main .xml file and each photo and video gallery has its own .xml file making it extremely easy to update and maintain.This Flash template uses deep linking. You will have a unique link for all the template sections generated dynamically based on the section name (e.g. you have the possibility to send to a client the link for a specific photo). This feature also enables the "back one page" and "forward one page" browser buttons.This template works on PC but more important this is optimized for mobile as well, it will work on devices that have support for Flash Player 10.1 or higher, it will identify if the device has touch screen capabilities. It will work on a touch or mouse enabled