123 Live Help Chat Software Linux5.2 - Version 5.2 123 Live Help is a web-based live support software,which offers both professional hosting service & livechat software, and also free installation & integrationservice for both solutions. It enables the e-businesswebsites to offer online instant help to visitors, andturn potential customers to buyers. It supports from 1seat to unlimited seats of operators, which makes itthe right solution for business of any sizes.Highlights of v5.1:Queue Notifications is added to theonline chat customer-end;etc.* Real-time video chat and text chat.* Customizable skins and FREE integration.* It is implemented with Java server and Flash client.* It is secure, fast, flexible & cost-effective.Feature List: *Statistical Analysis*123 Live Help adds a new Data Statistics on TrafficSource and supplements detailed Data Statistics onVisitors & Customers & Operator Performance, helps youhone your marketing.*Chat Operator Convenience*123 Live Help can store your visitor's chat history,contact information and footprint in the operator'sserver, which helps to identify each visitor once theylog in again, and operator can find the valuable visitors. *Traffic Monitoring Abilities*Operators can real-time monitor every visitor,including IP address, country, viewed webpage, Browser,OS, Live Keywords & Referrings, etc. *Tracking Abilities*Operators could track each visitor’s navigation historyvia 123 Live Help, such as the visitor’s footprints onwebsite along with the time spent on each page. *Marketing Features*You can modify the ad to show your products. And youcan also customize client interface & a neat GUI asdefault skin for a completely branded user experience.What’s more, customer may rate the performance ofoperators after chatting, helping to improve yourcustomer service. *Administration Management*It gives admins complete command over their operators.Advanced functions include self-generating scripts,statistics analysis viewing, etc.