Advance Keyboard Surveillance Tool - Version Professional monitoring and surveillance software runsin background separately in hidden mode and does notpresent for task manager and control panel. Remotekeylogger freeware application mechanically save allcategory keyboard characters, chats, email id password,website, email id password, file transferred, accesseddirectories and successively programs in undergroundsecreted log file. Keyboard activity logger programstore logged data in text files, easily search andinvestigate information detail with different dates andtime. Child internet protection utility investigate allactivates performed on your computer in your absence byyour family, especially children’s, guest users etc.Employee monitoring services provide easy and safeexamine for your computer keyboard just handling byuser friendly graphical user interface. Keyboardtracker system tool provide support for all windowsbased operating systems including XP, NT, ME, 98, 2000,2003 and trendy Vista. Keystroke watching softwarecapture screenshot and send it on your particularemail-id then owner can observe all activities whichhave been performed on your computer. Professional keylogger programs highly secure and provide extremelyeasy to use procedure for both home and office users.Features:* Remote keystroke logger utilities records all typedkeystrokes and captures windows screenshots at regularinterval of time.* PC parental control services provide GUIfunctionality for keyboard capturing process and run onall windows based operating systems like XP, NT, ME,98, 2000, 2003 and Vista.* Keystroke monitoring tools unconsciously capture alltyped keystroke, windows logon passwords, e-mail, chatconversation, visited websites and desktop activity forsystem privacy.* Free family key logger software does not visible ondesktop it attaches with background programs.