Change Default Email Lotus Notes to Outlook - Version 9.4 Get ready to change default email from Lotus Notes toOutlook without hampering the quality of original text,links and images. Our organization works on Uses desireand fulfill their entire requirement while Lotus Notesto Outlook conversion. Users who wants to jump fromcostlier Lotus Notes to cost effective Outlookinterface they can grab our best remedy Export Notes9.4 which offers advanced features as well as friendlyinterface for beginners to move Lotus Notes email toOutlook. Along with Meta Data Lotus Notes to OutlookConverter converts inbox, outbox, sent items, drafts,attachments etc. Filter option while transfer data, itoffers facility to choose selective mails, to do listand calendar entries. It consist wide compatibilityand support wide range of Lotus Notes and MS Outlookeditions. For better understanding the software, moveLotus Notes email to Outlook with 500 MB data orsixteen mails. After getting 100% result invest in fullpro version at refundable price of 250 USD only forindividual license.