Data Recovery Software for iPods - Version Data Doctor Recovery is the most trustworthy andleading provider of quality data retrieval tools whichallows you to restore lost or missing files frominaccessible iPod. Music recovery software for Windowshas been designed as an effective and low-cost solutionfor recovering data in any adverse situation like powerfailure, hardware malfunction, worm/virus attack etcfrom iPod music device. Data Doctor’s inexpensivesolution is able to recover files from all types ofhard disks like PATA, SATA and IDE. Data DoctorRecovery is an industry forerunner and innovator inrecovering inaccessible or corrupted data from digitalstorage media including hard drives, memory cards, USBdrives etc.Features:Compatibility: Data Doctor’s highly dedicated and wellmotivated team of IT professionals progressively workto make its products compatible with all latestversions of Windows operating system including Windows98, XP, 2000 and Vista.User Friendly: Data Doctor Recovery has wizard styleGUI (graphical user interface) which makes nontechnical users to easily operate the software.Robust: By the vigorous efforts of our highly skilled,well-motivated and qualified engineers, data recoverysoftware for iPods became more robust such that it candeal with any critical situation like hardwaremalfunction, software fault and power surge. Versatile: Data recovery software for iPods isdeveloped using smart scan technology along with theflexibility to recover erased, deleted data of any fileformat including mpeg, mp3, avi, jpg and jpeg from iPodshuffle.Online support: Data Doctor’s well qualified team of ITprofessionals always available to provide 24X7 onlinesupport to its valuable customers.