Free EML Viewer - Version 11.05.01 Kernel EML viewer is an advanced utility that enablesthe user to view the EML files when the MS OutlookExpress is not installed on the system. It evenfacilitates to open the file having UNICODE charactersin their file name. It offers a very friendly,intuitive and easy-to-use Graphical User interface.This utility is completely standalone and requires theinstallation of no other tool to perform itsfunctionality. Moreover, it is equipped with an EMLfile search option which helps in locating an EML filestored at any location on the computer’s disk.Furthermore, on installing this software, the folderstructure of the computer is displayed on the leftpanel of the Home screen. This free EML viewer allowsaccessing all EML files that are created using MSOutlook Express 4.0, 5.0 and 6.0 versions. Also, it canbe installed on almost all the versions of WindowsOperating system. For more information please