How to Monitor Internet Activities - Version enable users to proficientlytrack and monitor typed keystrokes (including pressedusername, password), clipboard content details,internet activities (such as visited web pages, openedweb sites), voice chat conversation, accessed windowsapplication information (like created or changedpresentation files, word files, excel spread sheetsetc) and other done by any others users. Advanced keylogger program allow users to secretly record theirhusband, wife, spouse, close friends, father, brother,children, office colleague and other relativesperformed activities on your PC or laptop when you arenot present. GUI wizard feature enable users tofriendly work with advanced PC data manager applicationwithout taking any specialized technical knowledge orprofessionally expertise guidance for for How to Monitor InternetActivities, easily trace and record entire online chatconversation details, received or composed instantmessages, opened websites, visited web pages andothers. Advanced PC data manager applicationfacilitates users to run software in complete hidden orstealth mode and remain invisible from computer systemstartup menu, add or remove list, Task manager,installation files and folders, short cut icons andothers. Features:* Specialized Advanced key logger software facilitatesusers with enhanced password protection feature thatavoid any unauthorized users to modify recorded loggedfile information.* enable users to easily generatereports of recorded logged files in two differentgraphical file format including TXT and HTML insimplified manner.* Affordable Advanced PC data manager application offerusers to quickly transmit generated logged file detailsat user defined email address.