MTE Desktop Locker - Version Lock your desktop with one mouse and prevent anyonefrom accessing your programs and your importand data,no one can access your locked desktop without the validpassword, mte desktop locker provide the followingfeatures: - lock your desktop with virtual desktop, -you must enter valid password to access the desktop, -show custom alert to any one try access your lockeddesktop, - you can select from many virtual desktoplockers, - mte desktop locker prevent access to taskmanager program in the locker mode, - mte desktoplocker prevent access to the following keys:(CTRL+ALt+Del), (Alt+F4) to prevent closing theapplication, - you can lock your desktop withtransparent desktop locker, - mte desktop lockerprovide log feature that enable you record all mouseclicks and invalid passwords input to know if someonetry to open your protected desktop, - program allowsyou to set password to protect the options dialog formore security, - you can set the program to run atwindows startup, - program allows you to prevent closethe mte desktop locker withou valid password, - mtedesktop locker is completly free.