NTFS Recovery - Version Hard disk NTFS partition recovery application is a readonly and non destructive utility which undeletes alldeleted or missing files from hard drive. Windows VistaNTFS file restoration tool restores all erased datafrom formatted hard disk. NTFS recovery software iscompatible with various Windows operating systemincluding Windows 98, ME, XP and Vista etc. NTFSpartition data salvage program has an interactivegraphical user interface (GUI) which helps users towork easily with the software. Windows NTFS datarecovery software supports all capacity of hard disksincluding 8GB, 10GB, 20GB, 40GB and 80GB etc. NTFSrecovery software restores lost data stored indifferent file formats including MPEG, JPEG, GIF andJPG etc. Windows NTFS data backup application supportsNTFS disk drives of all major brands includingKingston, Olympus, Panasonic and Seagate etc. NTFS filerestoration utility is a reliable tool to restoreerased data even if Drive Not Formatted message isdisplayed by your desktop/laptop computer. NTFSrecovery software recovers all files including text,image or zip from crashed and damaged hard diskpartition. Application recovers lost master bootrecords (MBR), master file table (MFT) and corrupted DBR.Features:* Windows NTFS recovery software recovers deleted filesand folders having audio, video and other officialdocuments from undetected USB hard drive.* Vista NTFS partition data restoration utilityrestores data lost due to virus infection, hardwaremalfunction or any other failure to access data.* NTFS file salvage program rescues erased data fromall types of multistorage hard disks including SATA,SCSI and EIDE etc.