Random Password Generator - Version Random Password Generator v1.0 is a secure password generator.Random Password Generator is designed to create secure and random passwords that are highly difficult to crack with options to include upper, lower case letters, numbers, and punctual symbols. Random Password Generator is designed with the following security options to make a random, strong and safe password.PASSWORD GENERATORIt allows you to securely and easily create powerful passwords which are not easy to be cracked.PASSWORD MANAGERManage your passwords and IDs with editable remark to keep your passwords safe and in order which makes it easy and convenient to manage your IDs and passwords.PASSWORD CHECKERA new feature that indicates how strong the created password is. It will remark the lower powered passwords to remind you improve the security and safety.PRIVACY PROTECTEDA password is required to access Random Password Generator to make sure that only you could access your passwords on your computer.A strong password is a password that meets the following guidelines:1. Be seven or fourteen characters long, due to the way in which encryption works. For obvious reasons, fourteen characters are preferable.2. Contain both uppercase and lowercase letters.3. Contain numbers.4. Contain symbols, such as ` ! " ? $ ? % ^ & * ( ) _ - + = { [ } ] : ; @ ' ~ # | \ < , > . ? /5. Contain a symbol in the second, third, fourth, fifth or sixth position (due to the way in which encryption works).6. Not resemble any of your previous passwords.7. Not be your name, your friend's or family member's name, or your login.8. Not be a dictionary word or common name.Current Version: Date:Nov 28, 2009File Size:3424KBLicense and Cost:Freeware, Free