Recover gtalk messenger password - Version 5.0.1 Gtalk Password Decoder works when "Remember Password"checkbox is ticked in GTalk instant messenger. GtalkPassword Decoder works when "Remember Password"checkbox is ticked in GTalk instant messenger. Gtalkpassword breaking software the perfect tool fortechnical support professionals or home users who areexperiencing Gtalk password problems. Gtalk passwordviewer application Support Win98, WinME, WinNT 3.x,WinNT 4.x, Windows 2000, WinXP, Windows 2003. Passwordextraction software Very simple to install and use.GTalk password viewer application Features - finddecrypt restore and retrieve lost forgotten Google Talkpasswords * Retrieves forgotten passwords and secret codes infew seconds on all major windows operating systemsincluding 98, XP, NT, 2000 and Vista edition. * All passwords are recovered instantlyregardless of length. * Freeware password revealer utility recoverslost, forgotten and missing multiple account secretpassword, login information and has user-friendlyinterface with full install/uninstall support. * Gtalk password viewer utility supports allversions of Google Talk.