Recovery Software for USB Digital Media - Version Data Doctor Recovery is the leading supplier of datarecovery tools and digital forensic professionalservices. Company consistently supports best practicesin the preservation, recovery and analysis reporting ofdigital forensic services. Data Doctor’s trainedpersonnel help you in each and every possible way torecover your precious and price-less data. Data DoctorRecovery mainly focused on developing realistic andeconomical data restoration utilities. Data Doctor’shighly skilled professional engineers uses advancescanning algorithms or methods which makes the softwaremore powerful to recover all sorts of files and folders.Features:Compatibility: Data Doctor’s qualified engineer’s firstconcern is to make products simple, effective andupdated so that it is compatible with ever changingtechnology. Data recovery software for USB digitalstorage media effectively works with all latestversions of Windows operating system including Windows 7. User Friendly: USB drive data recovery tool has wizardstyle GUI (graphical user interface) interface by whichnon technical person also easily operate the software.Robust: Data Doctor’s dedicated team of qualifiedengineers have developed incredible data recoverysoftware for USB digital storage media which allows youto easily and quickly recover all deleted or corrupteddata from inaccessible pen drive. Versatile: USB drive data recovery software providessupport to USB storage devices of all major brandsincluding Kingston, Acer etc and it allows you torestore deleted data from memory stick of allcapacities such as 512MB, 1GB, 2GB.Online support: Uninterrupted online support is theleading factor behind company’s huge success. DataDoctor’s team of dedicated IT professionals put theirjoint efforts to solve every possible problem of ourclients.