SafeBit Disk Encryption - Version 1.4 SafeBit Disk Encryption is the perfect electronic vaultyou need for your privacy. It features on-the-fly AESencryption, by creating virtual encrypted disk drives,where you can hide files and folders, keep themencrypted all them time, but still work with them justlike you work with normal files. Data is decryptedautomatically during the transfer from disk to memory,and re-encryted when data is written back to disk. Thisprocess is transparent to the user. SafeBit DiskEncryption maintains the security of data even in caseof incorrect system shutdown or system crash by keepingthe files always encrypted. Container files areprotected against accidental deletion. Security isincreased also by the "automatic closure system" andemergency hotkeys. Safebit is the perfect suplement toa firewall and antivirus program, and stands as thelast line of defense in case these fail. Nothing cancrack the strong 256-bit AES encryption SafeBit uses(selected by the U.S. government as its officialencryption standard). SafeBit has a very intuitive userinterface which makes it friendly for computerbeginners and also powerful for experienced IT expertsthat search for a reliable file encryption solution. Itwill protect your confidential information from yourboss, wife, kids, friends, hackers, competitors, secretservices or from any other possible intruder. SafeBitwill help you improve the security offered by anantivirus or a firewall. While your documents areinside the encrypted closed vault, viruses and trojanswill not be able to infect your important files. Keepyour documents inside the encrypted safe and hackerswill NEVER be able to extract your files from the vaulteven if your firewall fails, because the strong AESencryption algorithm cannot be cracked. Laptops areextremely vulnerable to thefts. Using SafeBit you willbe able to secure the important documents on yourmobile computer against possible thefts. Protectyourself with SafeBit now!