Transfer IncrediMail to Outlook - Version 5.0 IncrediMail do not let users to Transfer IncrediMail toOutlook without using third party help? ThereforePCVARE offers Transfer IncrediMail to Outlook programthat allows users to transfer emails from IncrediMailinto Outlook. In updated version the IncrediMail toOutlook program easily transfer IncrediMail to Outlookwith multiple processing. That program offers manyfacilities which are very useful to transferIncrediMail to Outlook like: quick procedure, batchmode, ease graphical user interface to use the process,and free demo ability. In demo you can transfer 10emails to Outlook and check the qualities of the tool.In batch ability user can transfer n emails fromIncrediMail to Outlook and save all attachments fromIncrediMail to Outlook. The Transfer IncrediMail toOutlook tool supports all Microsoft Outlook versions(Outlook 2010, 2007, 2003, 2000, etc) for IncrediMailto Outlook conversion.