Unlock Secured PDF - Version 13.01.01 Kernel for PDF restriction removal is effective andefficient software that easily unlocks secured PDFdocuments. It works by disabling the local securityparameters of PDF file and restoring the content in anew unprotected PDF file. The software is designed inan environment which is user-interactive and isequipped with simple graphical interfaces and quiteeasy to operate. Apart from this, the Kernel for PDFrestriction removal is standalone software and canunlock secured PDF files without any requirement ofAdobe Acrobat. Unlock secured PDF software makes surethat the original data formatting and structure of thesoftware remains unaltered. It also supports almostevery version of Adobe Acrobat and adobe reader andworks smoothly on MS Windows 98, 2000, 2003, XP, Vista,7 and 8 versions. You can download the free trialversion of the software to unlock secured PDF files ofsize up to 200 KB. To unlock secured PDF files beyond200 KB size, it is essential that one purchase thelicensed software version. For more information visit:www.pdfunlockertool.com