MUD Map Designer - Version 1.02 MUD Map Designer is a tool that was developed for MUD programmers that wish to make maps for plotting or simply beneficial reasons. All files can be exported to several different image types. You can create your own setup files and map icons to use to customize each game!Here are some key features:-You can save, load, or export maps. You can export maps into one of the following image types: PNG, GIF, JPG, BMP, or TIF.-Export & Render Options to make the map stand out more with cleaner graphics/smoother design!-W/S/D/A keys for generic map placement.-Ability to make large maps. Use the right mouse to pan the screen.-Ability to resize current view from 35% to 150%.-Map different levels in the same map file! This means you can level something large, such as towers with multiple room levels or basements. -Swap specific levels around!