LcPuzzle - Version 3.4 With LcPuzzle you'll be able to resolve infinities andvarious puzzles of all the types and sizes, tangram,pentominoes and taipei. You can to select the image ofthe puzzles from all image files of your computerbesides the ones that are enclosed with the program. Also you can put as image of the puzzles any image thathas stored in the Windows portfolio, or even, if youwant it, you can design or to scan your own imagesutilizing a program of drawing or graphic design. Also, you will be able to expand or to reduce the imageof puzzle adapting the size that more agree it. Youhave the option to select the number of pieces thatwill contain the puzzle and also the form of the piecesamong the 6 options that this program offers:Rectangles, Irregular, Circles on Rectangles, Rectangles on Rectangles, Ellipses on Rectangles orStars on Rectangles. The program has informationabout the puzzle that is resolving: size total of thepuzzle, form, number, class and size of the pieces, thelevel of difficulty of the puzzle and other data ofinterest. Once have you resolved the puzzle, all thisinformation will accumulate in the historic file ofresolved puzzles, where you will be able to consult allthe referring data to the finished puzzles. Also youhave at your service the game tutor, that will help youto place any piece. You have the option to personalizethe color of the table, to visualize the chronometerthat will indicate the time past to resolve the puzzle,to select if plays with or without sound, to select thevelocity of the game, or to modify the factor ofattraction of each piece toward its destiny.