Lc1X2 - Version 3.4 Lc1X2 is oriented to reduction of bets and soccerquinielas. From the prognoses of quiniela elaboratedby the player select those foretold parties to manifoldthat are going to comprise of the reduction process.This process is made using anyone of the five systemsor reduction methods which has the program: Direct,Probable Column, Signs selection, Signs balance andHandly. During the creation of quiniela and other basicparameters, there are a series of updated statisticaldata in real time whenever it changes some element ofthe reduction. Once the reduction process has finished,you can consult quiniela and other basic parameters aswell as the reduced columns that have been generated orto consult any other reduction that has made previouslythanks to the use of an index that shows all thereductions filed. The exit of data option allows toprint the reduced columns in individual official ticketbets so much as in continuous paper or, if the volumeof bets advises it, to generate a file in disc to makethe validation of bets by magnetic support with no needto print tickets. Also you can obtain by printer asummarize report with quiniela and the other basicparameters of each reduction, as well as a relation ofplayed tickets. Once known the results that compose thewinning column you can make the scrutiny of results toknow whichever columns guessed right has of eachcategory, the amount of the obtained prizes and in whattickets are.