American Slots - Version 1.14 The virtual gambling machine American Slots simulatestwo different slotmachines: a fair and detailedantiquarian 3 reel slotmachine from the 30´s (but withnew functions!) and a traditional minor 4 reelslotmachine. The principles of the game are quicklyexplained: put money in the machine and aim to make asmuch profit as possible. To keep the game exciting themachines incorporate as well as a risk button: it givesyou the chance to double the winnings. Again theprogram dispose of hold reels, so that you can raiseyour chances. With the nudge function you can turn thereels afterwards. The machines also have a high scoreentry for the best profit. Finally the slotmachineshave a progressive jackpot which grows up every gameand of course, like all jackpots, will be hit sometime!Maybe by you? Because of the perfect 3D simulation youhave the possibility to look at the machines fromdifferent angle of view. If you like, the game plays abackground casino sound for a real casino feeling.