3D Chinese Checkers Unlimited - Version 1.0 Created in 1930, this play of strategy of displacementis played in China, where it is known as Tiao-qui, asin most countries of the world, on a star shaped boardwith 121 positions and balls of several colors. Theplayer must transfer the 10 balls from his housetowards the opposed house by using the free holes. Thisplay is a good initiation for more complex games ofstrategy like the GO. The rules are very simple, so thechildren like this visual and colored game and can playit as soon as they have learned not to swallow theballs! This game is beautifully designed in 3D, withprecious textures of fine wood and marble for the bestcomfort of playing and learning. It offers many soundand graphic options to create a pleasant gamingatmosphere. Beginners will like the intuitiveinterface, with an online Help menu always accessibleat a touch of the mouse, the capacity of setting thelevel of the adversary while playing against thecomputer. You can rollback the ongoing game or save agame to reload it later for replay. To play this game,you will need Windows 9x on a PentiumĀ® at 400Mhz, or anequivalent, equipped with a 3D accelerated video cardcompatible DirectX 8 or 9 and 8 Mo of video memory.Easy install and uninstall procedure. This game willgrow as the skills of the players do, since TLK Gamesguarantees, for the registered version of this game, alife long guarantee for updates.