BirdWatch - Version 1.0 This game pits you with a camera. Your goal is to takepictures of birds as they fly across the screen. Eachof the birds moves at a different speed. With yourcamera viewfinder you try to center the birds and clickthe mouse button, taking their picture. You areawarded points based on how well centered the bird isin the picture. Since different birds move at differentspeeds, the points you awarded also differs for eachbird. There is also a bonus that you can achieve byphotographing the bonus bird shown at the bottom of thescreen. The only thing to keep you from scoring amillion points is that you have a limited number ofphotos. If you happen to photograph the Zeppelin, youwill get all of your photos back so you can continue. There is also a time limitation, but it can bereplenished like the photo limitation in the fullversion. This is a perfect game for little ones. It istotally devoid of violence, presents fun andinteresting graphics, and takes a good bit of skill tomaster.