Egypt Cross Number - Version 1.0 Have you ever played a game so simple and yet so catchythat your time just flew by? That is our new game EgyptCross Number! If you love crossword puzzles, Sudoku orany other brain games we are confident you willappreciate our new game! The main goal of the CrossNumber game is similar to a crossword puzzle: to fillin horizontal or vertical lines in the grid. However,instead of the clues and words you get a set ofpredefined numbers to use. There is only one rightsolution to a puzzle that would guarantee for allnumbers to fit on the board and to interlock correctly.Some tips for Egypt Cross Number game: * Ease your gameby starting from the longest line * Keep in mind that aline with digits all interlocked with other linescannot be removed until at least one dependent line isremoved * Use help button if you are stuck =)