Leaf Buster - Version 1.0 Folks who love puzzles and people who hate them bothagree - Leaf Buster is a game worth playing on and on,and then playing some more. While this game is apuzzle, it is in no way boring, routine or mundane.Quite the opposite, it instantly draws a person in andlets go only after a few hours. And then it sucks aperson back in. Be warned - the game is very addictive!Leaf Buster is loosely based on the concept ofCollapse. The left "half" of the playing field hasseveral columns, containing leaves of two or moredifferent colors. The leaves here can't be moved. Thesmaller right "half" has a single column of leaves. Youcan get rid of any leaf in this column byright-clicking it with your mouse (up to 12 leaves perlevel). The number of leaves in the right column islimited! You are to place a leaf from that column ontothe playing field to form a group of two or more leavesof the same color. Then these leaves will disappear.Larger the group, more points you get. Your objectiveis to clear the entire playing field, which can bequite difficult to achieve.Leaf Buster is a perfect relaxing, non-violent game forthe entire family. It features striking graphics,ambient music, high score table and low systemrequirements. The starting levels are quite easy, butthe game gets tougher and tougher as it progresses. Thetrial version is limited to eight levels and 15 launches.Try your free version of Leaf Buster now!