Moraff's MarbleJongg - Version 1.11 Moraff's MarbleJongg is the cutting-edge 3D OpenGL mah-jongg of the new millennium. It's fun, free, and great looking. You'll be blown away by the terrific colors, great backgrounds, cool 3D animation, and the Internet update of backgrounds and marble sets. You'll spend hours trying to unstack the three- or four-layer piles of game pieces, but the animations and the great graphics will keep you entertained and challenged. You play against the clock and can reshuffle the stack when no moves are left, so that you can always finish the games. A fastest-time honor roll records your achievements. Play the rings or spheres, change the background graphic, and spin the pieces fast or slow. There's even an option to make the game pieces go "bonkers" and spin in multiple directions.