Num-Blocks - Version 3.5 Bust up numbered blocks in this Breakout clone.Complete each level to obtain the required puzzle piecethat will ultimately complete the game puzzle andreceive an additional 100,000 points! Select from 3difficulty settings which offer a awesome challengegiving you a faster ball speed to contend with. Sobring on the challenge! From pinball style bumpers toawesome special effects to the special powerups, thisgame is sure to please! Numblocks is a whole new typeof brick busting fun!The purchased edition also offers ... * 20 Stages containing 5 sectors each totally 100levels of game play * 3 difficulty levels to choose from * Pinball-style bumpers * A new "Auto-Save" system that saves your gamewhen you quit or when proceeding to the next level. * Amazing specials such as double and triple score,cannon and splatterbomb firing, paddle expansion, ballbarrier, multiple balls, ball speed adjuster and BonusBucks! Of course, there is the extra life , jewel andscore specials.